Forgoing a holiday abroad this year and instead saying ‘yes’ to a summer spent on home soil? If so, perhaps you’re looking forward to hosting friends and family for a weekend – or maybe even a week?
By spending time at one another’s houses, you could each enjoy a mini holiday in itself, helping one another save money while still having fun.
So, if you’re getting ready to invite guests to stay sometime soon, here’s how to be the host (or the hostess) with the most…
Write the Wi-Fi Password Down
Save your friends or family members the (albeit small) task of asking for the Wi-Fi password; print it out onto a piece of paper and pop it in a photo frame (get some ideas here!), before placing it on their bedside table. But only if you want to hand over those deets!
When your guests arrive to a newly made-up bedroom, they will be able to connect straight to your network and save their mobile data in the process. It’s the little things that can make a big difference.
Make Their Favourite Dish
Nothing says ‘welcome to our home’ quite like cooking your house guests their favourite dish. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate affair; you could even order in their preferred takeaway, if you don’t have the time to do a big shop for all the ingredients.
Either way, the thought is certainly there and your guests will no doubt be hugely grateful.

Grab a Personalised Glass or Mug
Do they have a go-to drink? Perhaps they love a G&T or maybe even a hot choccy?
If you’re keen to do just one thing ahead of your guests’ arrival, why not treat them to a bespoke glass or mug, from which to enjoy a refreshing drink when they arrive?

Leave a Cold Pitcher of Water by the Bed
You don’t have to spend much at all to provide a welcoming experience for your guests, though.
Here’s a tip that will cost you nothing: provide a tray – with a jug of ice water and a couple of glasses – in your guest bedroom. Your guests can help themselves to cold water in the middle of the night, and you can save them making a trip across a dark hallway to fumble for the bathroom door.
If you’d really like to have fun with your guest tray, create a hotel-worthy experience by adding some individually wrapped biscuits to it. Or go the whole hog – if your guests have a sense of humour and will appreciate the silliness – and add a travel kettle, some mugs, sachets of coffee and a jug of milk. That way, they can make themselves a cuppa if they wake up before you do.

Put Together a Crate of Toiletries
Sticking with the hotel theme, why not add some mini toiletries to a stack of freshly washed towels – ideal for them to grab on the way to the bathroom.
Or turn hospitality levels up a notch by putting together a personalised crate packed with all manner of toiletries, including brand new face cloths, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner or maybe even a treat for the bath. Who doesn’t love a bath bomb?! Go one step further with vegan friendly bath bombs available from Lush HERE.

Keen to pick up some more ideas ahead of your guests’ arrival? You’ll find plenty of inspiration here on our site.
Until next time…
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