Instead of making a mad dash to the supermarket for beers or chocs, you may have made a vow to yourself that, this year, you’re going to get your Dad/Stepdad/Father-in-law something much more personal. So, consider this a welcome early reminder.
There’s plenty of inspiration on the Love Lumi site for every kind of Dad or father figure – but remember: it isn’t all about lavishing him with gifts.
You could also ask yourself this: what is it that Dad could benefit from this Father’s Day? A helping hand in the garden, or maybe a chance to kick back and play his favourite video game? Here are some ideas worth considering…
Some Peace and Quiet
The best ‘gifts’ rarely cost money. Perhaps your Dad simply deserves an hour or two to himself – we all need a little time to recharge, so allow your gaming-mad Dad an hour on his Xbox or PlayStation and he’ll be in his element.
For ultimate peace and quiet, get him: a personalised acrylic door wall sign, so everyone in the household knows exactly when Dad’s gaming. He might also like this personalised neon green games controller and headset gaming station.

An Extra Pair of Hands (Or Green Fingers!) in the Garden
If your Dad loves nothing more than getting out in the garden, why not agree to join him one afternoon? He’s probably made more than a few hints about the expanse of weeds that needs tending to, so how about you gift your old man your time and help him see to it?

Take gardening time up a notch with: a personalised gardening hamper. Add in an extra spade and trowel for you and he’ll get the message that you’re keen to help him get to grips with the jungle that is the overgrown flower bed.
A Gentle Nudge
Despite his very best efforts, your Dad is prone to forgetting himself now and again and turning the air blue. If he needs a gentle nudge where not swearing is concerned, make him put a pound in a jar every time he utters an expletive.
Take your friendly nudge up a level with: a personalised swear pot – thoughtful but funny.

Some Help with ‘Life Admin’
Is Dad’s ‘life admin’ getting on top of him? Perhaps he has a mountain of paperwork to sort through, or maybe he desperately needs to get a diary to stay on top of key dates and events. If this sounds like your Pa, he’ll probably be glad of some help to get things in order. Donate some time to the cause and get that paperwork filed and stored somewhere safe.
Go all out on the organisation front by: treating him to a new, personalised wallet. If he’s not the most organised of Dads, we bet he keeps loose change in his back pocket or bottom of his rucksack.

Get organised ahead of June 18 and your future self will thank you – and so will your Dad!
Until next time…
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